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You. Have. Cancer. 
One time is too many for a doctor to have to say that phrase to a patient, but unfortunately it’s become commonplace. More than one out of three people will hear those words in their lifetime and the percentage increases as you age.

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GOOD NEWS- the chances of beating cancer are higher than ever before, but the financial toll can be devastating. Could you handle a reduction in wages while you undergo treatment, let alone the enormous medical costs? What if you need to travel somewhere for treatment? For those on Medicare, did you know that oral chemotherapy runs through your Part D prescription plan, and there is no cap on what you will spend? It could be thousands of dollars per month.

Many people don’t even realize that cancer insurance exists. IT DOES! A Cancer Insurance Policy can inexpensively bridge the gap and protect you financially in the event of a cancer diagnosis. You decide on the lump sum of money you want to receive and use it for anything you need: medical expenses, travel costs, medicines, household bills, and healthy eating. No tracking or receipts are needed. 

Or take it a step beyond covering yourself financially with a GTL Precision Care™ policy and have access to TGen, one of the leading nonprofit medical research institutes in the world. Your policy would pay for and give access to revolutionary genome sequencing technology and consultative services from TGen’s expert Cancer Physicians.

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